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What are Happy Caps?

Happy caps party pills are mood enhancers that will allow you to get a more impactful and emotionally charged party experience. Each happy caps party pill can bring different enhanced effects that we usually relate to club life, parties, raves and music festivals. Happy Caps party pills are made from strongest natural extracts available and can work as a great mood enhancer that bring no harm to your body (like street drugs do).


Party pills that you can buy in our smartshop are herbal mixes of various energetic, mood-boosting and (sometimes) psychedelic substances that can be found in nature.

That's why - all the party pills are non-toxic alternatives to illegal drugs and this way you can be sure, you will not only have a great time but also the risks for your body will be minimized.

Order Happy Caps online

Smartific party pill online webshop sells all the available Happy Caps, so everyone can choose their preferred party vibe. Many smartshops in the Netherlands sell various strength of party pills, but now you can order the strongest party pills online! Buy Happy Caps for you and your friends and let's get this party started.

Happy Caps effects

Each happy caps party pill has a in depth effect analysis attached to it in our product page, but here are the most common effects that some users reported:

  • Euphoria
  • Sexual arousal
  • Mind stimulation
  • Relaxation
  • Energy
  • Sociability

How to use Happy Caps

Just grab a couple of Happy Caps and wash it off with your favorite drink. Don't take more than one pack per day and make sure you read all the information in our product description pages.

Take your party pill and enjoy the good vibes!

How long do Happy Caps work?

Based on many various factors Happy Cap party pill effects are known to last up to all night. So everyone can be sure that their Happy Caps will work for hours to come. Have a blast with your new favorite mood!

Frequently asked Happy Caps questions

What is a smartshop?

Smartshop is a special kind of shop that focuses on selling safe to use, mind and body altering (or psychoactive) mood boosters that can have various effects on its users.

What categories of smartshop products are there?

The easiest way to categorize smartshop products would be to divide them into categories according to expected effects they might have. This would mean that all smartshop products can be split into these categories:

  • Energizers (stimulants and mood-boosters)
  • Relaxants (sedatives and depressants)
  • Hallucinogens (mind-altering psychoactive substances)
  • Nootropics (increased cognitive abilities)
  • Aphrodisiacs (sex-related)

What products/substances do smartshops sell?

Most smartshop products come in powders, partypills, liquids (shooters), and extracts. All smartshop products have been made from fully legal, all-natural, organic substances that will allow users to have various effects.

What effects can smartshop products have?

Based on the category you can expect a wide palette of effects from each smartshop product. Remember, that different compositions of different substances can have different effect sets even in the same category. Furthermore, each body reacts to different substances in different ways – which is why you should always start with low dosing and learn how your body reacts to the product, to make sure the best results.

Energising Effects:

  • Energy boost
  • Mood change (happy, euphoric)
  • Focus boost

Aphrodisiac effects:

  • Increased libido
  • Sexual energy
  • Increased heart rate and blood flow

Hallucinogenic effects:

  • Changed perceptions (smell, taste, vision, touch, feel and mind space)
  • Visuals (altered visual information)
  • Creativity
  • Spiritual (ego-loss and meditative/philosophical thinking)
  • Lowered time-space awareness
  • Coordination (increased or decreased)
  • Other very personal sense changes

Nootropic effects:

  • Better memory
  • Increased cognitive function
  • Easier to focus
  • More creative problem solving
  • Other personal cognitive effects

Relaxing effects:

  • Couch-lock (inability/unwillingness to move)
  • Lowered muscle tension
  • Complete relaxation
  • Attitude changes (more “chill”)
  • Decreased heart rate (or increased)
  • Other relaxing personal effects

Do you have products that will provide energy?

Yes – there are different mood boosters in Smartific Headshop that can provide you with both energetic and euphoric feelings. Most of them can be found in party section, and to choose the right one – make sure you read the product description carefully.

What are herbs?

Herbs or psychoactive herbs is a category of smartshop products. They describe a set of products that usually are sold in pure herbal form and can be used to achieve certain body-mind effects. Herbs can be prepared and consumed in various ways and the best ways solely depend on the type of herb we are talking about. Most common methods can involve smoking them, vaping, making tinctures, making tea, or making various extract forms from the herbs of your choice.

Make sure you learn about each herbs unique properties and ways to use them in their product description.

What are smartshop liquids?

Liquids or shooters are a smartshop product category that comes in easy-to-consume liquid form. They mostly are similar to partypills, with only one difference – it is usually faster for your body to absorb them and they should be used as a one-shooter, meaning they are less easy to dose for various different occasions.

Are there any hallucinogens in smartshop?

Yes, from Salvia to LSA seeds and various psychedelic extracts – Smartific Smartshop contains many products that can make you trippy. Remember, unlike some other products in our smartshop – all trippy substances can’t be used with alcohol. Furthermore, you shouldn’t mix them with any other drugs, prescription medication, or any state altering substances whatsoever.

What is kanna?

Kanna (or Sceletium Tortuosum) is a South-African plant that is used for it’s unique energetic and euphoric effects. In smartshops, it usually comes in concentrated powder which makes it easier to consume. Kanna can be smoked, vaped, made into a tea, chewed – but the most common way to use Kanna (especially for stronger concentrated powder) is to snort it.

What is salvia?

Salvia (or Salvia Divinorum) is a highly potent psychoactive plant that is used for it’s unique (and super-strong) hallucinogenic effects. It is most commonly smoked and for best results should be smoked with a waterpipe while liting it with a high-temperature torch lighter. It comes in dried leaf or extract powder form.

The effects of Salvia are short but very powerful. The best way to explain Salvia experience is “Imagine that reality and time is a rug that you are standing on, after a single hit of salvia – imagine that somebody just pulls the rug out of your feet”. Being a hallucinogen, this herb works a little bit different from many other hallucinogens – it doesn’t give you any euphoric effects (for most users) while changing your perception to the highest extent. This means during a salvia trip, it can be more difficult to comprehend what is actually happening and your brain doesn’t have euphoric sensations to help You deal with it easier.

If you decide to smoke Salvia for the first time, keep a mindset that it can be the weird mix of “your best dream and worst nightmare, smashed together in your face”. Even though, time completely disappears during a Salvia trip – it’s good to know that a typical salvia experience starts immediately after you smoke it and lasts for 7-15 minutes of average, with around of extra hour of milder after-effects.

Salvia should be consumed only in safe and comfortable conditions, preferably inside the house. You should always have a trip-sitter or at least take it in turns (after somebody finished their trip). Furthermore, Salvia has not considered a party drug as it is very easy to lose any connection to reality for a short period of time.

Are smartshop products legal?

All smartshop products are legal in the Netherlands where they are shipped from. You have to inform yourself about the legality of their ingredients in your country of residence.

Are smartshop products dangerous?

Most smartshop products are made from all-natural products, which allow users to minimize any risks involved in their recreational lives. As long as you make sure you don’t mix any smartshop substances with any prescription or over-the-counter medication, alcohol, weed and/or any other psychoactive substances, and make sure that you start with a very low initial test dose – it is safe to assume that most smartshop products have any risks to a minimum.

How old you have to be to use smartshop products?

At least 18 years old. All products sold on Smartfic can only be purchased if you are 18 years old or older.

Can you mix different smartshop products?

No. To be sure about the effects, their strength and to keep any risks to a minimum, we do not recommend to mix any different smartshop products. Furthermore, to keep yourself safe you shouldn’t mix any smartshop products with any other drugs (prescription, over-the-counter, or even recreational), weed, alcohol (unless product description allows it) and any other psychoactive, mind-altering substances.

The rating of at WebwinkelKeur Reviews is 9.6/10 based on 103 reviews.